Computer Coaching Instruction and Training

I recently listened to Veronica Belmont’s (from the Mozilla Organization) podcast about how Bots have become part of  everyday life when we online. Many of us don’t even know when we are interacting with a bot. I know I certainly didn’t realize how frequently I was in contact with a bot. When you use Amazon’s Alexa or Apple’s Siri you are interacting with a bot, bots help maintain Wiki pages, these are examples of  helpful bots.  But, there are other kinds of bots who are harmful, bots that try to influence political opinions, for example Twitter is challenging and removing 4 million accounts per week that could be political bots.

Listen  to Veronica’s podcast it is easy to understand, and interesting.

Bot or Not


This gallery contains 4 photos.

Things that Glow

cropped-tech love this graphic my son created for me.Things that glow

Web site for lesson plans is part of the MarcoPolo site and absolutely free to educators. You’ll find a zillion lesson plans for your classroom on this site, and you may have trouble navigating away from it once you get started on your search.

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